Physical wellness focuses on education and coaching to support positive choices relating to exercise and nutrition that will nourish the body and achieve optimal health. Being as healthy as possible allows our residents to more fully engage and enjoy social, intellectual and emotional experiences such as organized fitness classes for any level of ability taught by Fitness Instructors as well as individualized vitality coaching.
Spiritual wellness focuses on finding harmony and peace within one’s life. St. Camillus offers an inclusive and comprehensive spiritual program by offering resident led prayer circles, individual counseling, bible study, and more!
Emotional Wellness supports individual’s ability to acknowledge and share feelings of anger, fear, sadness or stress as well as feelings of hope, love, joy and happiness in a productive manner. Our Emotional Wellness programming encourages forming relationships with others based on mutual trust, commitment and respect through intergenerational experiences, pet therapy, and connecting with residents who share common passions and interests.
Intellectual Wellness focuses on brain health. Lifelong learning exercises stimulate the brain by stretching creative and mental abilities. Our diverse education program encourages residents to expand their knowledge and skills and encourages sharing of gifts with others by participating in language classes, cultural programming, and expanding technological skills.
Social Wellness fosters connections and interactions between residents, staff and the environment. The interdependence of our relationships is emphasized. Our Life Enrichment program includes a greater number of activities that promote active engagement rather than passive engagement.
Community Wellness recognizes personal satisfaction in one’s life through work. Involvement in meaningful work allows residents to gain personal satisfaction and find enrichment. Our Community wellness program encourages residents to contribute their unique gifts, skills and talents to service that is personally meaningful and rewarding such as volunteering or tutoring.