By providing services to the poor, the sick and the elderly with a sense of compassion and love, St. Camillus campus offers hope and meaning to those who are suffering, comfort and security to those who are aging, and serenity to those who are dying, taking into account each person’s innate dignity, unique needs, and God given rights.
St. Camilllus de Lellis was born in Bocchianico, Italy on May 25, 1550. His mother died when he was a child and he was neglected by his father. At age 16, he joined his father in the Venetian army and spent a number of years serving in the military. He became an avid gambler and by 1574, was penniless in Naples. At 24, he became a Capuchin novice, but was unable to be professed because of an infected leg that would remain with him for life. He committed to devoting himself to caring for the sick. In 1591, Pope Gregory XIV approved and established the status of an Order called “Order of the Ministers of the Sick.”
Equality is an essential part of our mission of St. Camillus. St. Camillus believes in a culture where difference creates tradition, innovation, and compassion. We strive to create an inclusive workplace and culture that celebrates the immense diversity among all of our employees and residents. We believe our differences make us most alike.