Currently there are no residents living in Independent Living in isolation due to a positive COVID test. Residents who test positive are required to isolate for 5 days in their apartment. After the 5 days, residents may be in common spaces with a mask on for an additional 5 days. Residents should dine in their apartment for the entire 10 day period.
If you are experiencing any symptoms or may have been exposed, call Nurse Lee for testing. Lee can be reached at 414-259-4681. Both rapid tests and PCR tests are offered.
The Walgreens Booster Clinic will be offered in both buildings on June 15th. Please call 414-259-6300 to make an appointment.
Renovation Update: The fire alarm system has arrived and has been installed! The Building Inspector will conduct an occupancy inspection on June 16th. The Fire Department inspection will also be scheduled during the same week.
Tentative Phase 1 Reopening Schedule:
Julie Leveritt, Administrator of Independent Living